Many of you have discovered or learned about the Magic Number 7.
I'm sure you've heard of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People."
Hei, there are 7 days in a week
Oh ya, there are "7 Deadly Sins" ... Woooo...!
The soft drink "7Up" became popular after changing its name from "Bib-label Lithiate Lemon-Lime Soda.' Ummm ... Ya. No wonder...
Haiiiii .... yattt...!! "The 7 Samurai" of Akira Kurosawa ... and then adapted as "The Magnificent 7" of John Sturges with the Bang...bang...bang...!
There are "7 Wonders of the World."
Now, wait a minute here! EXCUSE Me...! There are gazillions wonders in this world...
But, we chose to have only 7 Wonders of the World... ?
"The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information" by George A Miller is one of the most highly cited paper.
It basically says that our brain has an excellent remembering capacity of 7 items or in 7 chunks.
Hmmm... May be that's why we only have 7 Wonders of the World..
So, how about the Magic number 7 for Telecentre ?
Let me start with this question:
"What are the 7 Strategies for Building Successful Telecentres ?"
What are the 7 items... the 7 chunks .... of strategies?
There are gazillion things on telecentre items/issues out there and we can make gazillions "dish" from it.
So, anyway we'll be writing here what we think as the 7 Strategies. But, we would welcome your opinion on what you think they are.
What we consider important may not be important to you and vice versa. The way we "chunk" things may also be different. We have many ways of "cooking" telecentre dish.
So, here they are according to my perception, as of now, the 7 Strategies for Building Successful Telecentres.
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